Sitemap - 2022 - Rarely Certain

Belief updating and things to investigate in 2023 - a taste of Rarely Certain to come ...

An obliquely Christmas-related predictably 'seasonal' sort of communication to some people to whom I'm especially grateful...

ChatGPT is a midwit

Obliquely Weekly #3

Now I've got you, you son of a bitch & other media-friendly ways to fight

On longer reading

Obliquely Weekly #2

Enter the chat...(if you like)

I'm not sure they're really doing it for the climate

Obliquely Weekly #1

What are your personal values?

D̶o̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶t̶ ̶ Tell lies that the crowd loves shall be the whole of the law

There's a difference between hearth & home and blood & soil

In the end it turned out to be me, but also you

Rarely Certain recapitulated

Turns out it's not the economy, stupid

To Kiyiv ... and back. A story from the Ukraine war

You can't push back against a wraith

That feeling when you get phasic bursting of dopamine neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area

[Narrated] If you ask me, you can stick those new Google translation glasses up your arse

If you ask me, you can stick those new Google translation glasses up your arse

Social desirability bias could also be called lying and cowardice

Go directly to Fascism. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200.

Trouble in Marseille

The trouble with labels

Almost everything is vibes

Thinking about *how* to think about demons

Postcard from Brittany

Scratching towards the point...

Are we having fun yet?

I'm old enough to remember when there weren't as many rapists

Strap in or hop off - Rarely Certain is changing

Me and my big mouth, but no uterus

Wishing I didn't feel compelled to write this

Culture war groupishness seems to demonstrate bits of Mimetic theory

An experiment in steel manning the culture war

Those pesky other people and their cognitive biases

Rambling speculations about absolutism, hypocrisy, incentives and fraying liberalism

Introducing 'Narrative Control'. A bit like censorship but probably more effective

Not another piece about the war. Yes. Yes I'm afraid it is

Breaking the social rules of war

Ukraine and why I'm not joining in with the social chatter

I would love to see healthier and more helpful conversations around the good faith questions that many people have around racial justice talk

Anti-wokeness as entertainment

Maybe debunkers aren't quite doing what they think

How the hell do you work out which experts to trust?

Seven types of Covid chatter and why they don't help

On value, gladness and time