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Mike having read your well written piece, I have now recovered from the flashback I had relating to my reaction to the announcement on the BBC about AUKUS and the image of Macron. Those who know me are aware the I rarely get angry, unless it is with the tv news, when I shout at the tv. Having re-found my 'centre'. On this subject my anger was twofold. Firstly on how morally reprehensible Boris was and then with the journalist's comments you mentioned. I thought they were cheap shots! The French are quite justified in being upset by what occurred but well Boris can claim he is creating jobs for Britain. The pact is primarily there to serve the Asia-Pacific interests, rather than the UK. I likened the contract to be the grown ups (US and Australia) giving Boris a large bag of sweeties for saying yes, when a European stance would be a better route to go down. Yes I'm a remoaner and proud to be. I fear with such political underhandedness and indescribable reporting that the words of Marks slightly changed by me)............I mean groucho not Karl, of why would we want to be a member of a club that would have us as a member could come true.

To return to journalists, if I see or read something of interest I do look into the matter more fully and research the topic further to gain different perspectives as I am not a passive consumer of news. Sometimes I know something to be factual even though it it is being misreported. For example, On Friday it was reported by the BBC that only a small number of petrol stations had reported shortages, well I live in London's largest Borough and on Friday evening many petrol stations were out of fuel. Today the BBC reported on the petrol shortage/panic buying we are experiencing and included other parts of Kent. I am sure that journalists are aware that they might impact on the public, cognitively, emotionally and in this case behaviorally, as they prompted panic buying. So many of our problems hark back to Brexit, which I sadly can go on for hours about.

PS Mike you seem to have some morals, values and principles, so why Journalism?

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